Your Commencement 

Commencement is a time of celebration of all you've achieved and become. In addition to crossing the stage, there are a number of ways in which you can not only continue the celebration but also honor the people who helped you along the way.

Commencement speakers

There are typically several speaker roles for graduates to fill at both the undergraduate and graduate commencement ceremonies:

Coordinator of Ceremony: Serves as the emcee for graduation. Addresses the audience multiple times throughout the ceremony.

Invocator: Says an inclusive prayer near the beginning of the ceremony.

Student Speaker: Celebratory remarks to and on behalf of the graduating class (length of speech: 5-7 minutes).

Speaking roles are awarded based on an audition process. You can find additional information on the graduation Moodle course (GRF-400 for undergraduate students and GRF-600 for graduate and doctoral students). Email to learn more.

Cultural ceremonies

The Cultural Ceremonies (Bestowing of the Kente and Latines Con Fuerza) are culturally grounded rites of passage in which we honor our graduates and their African and Latin heritage. The ceremonies also provide an opportunity for graduates to recognize and express deep gratitude to those family, friends and loved ones who supported their collegiate journey. Graduates who participate will have a stole bestowed upon them as part of the ceremony as a special message of thanks is read aloud.  

Graduating students who would like to participate in this beautiful ritual must complete a participation form and purchase a stole.  Family, friends and loved ones are welcome to attend. No ticket is necessary for this event, and a reception will immediately follow.  Contact with questions. 

Commencement Date

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, May 13 - Bestowing of the Kente at 10 a.m. and Latines Con Fuerza at 2 p.m. - the Sister Joel Read Conference Center is the location for both ceremonies. Receptions will immediately follow each ceremony. 

Cultural ceremonies procedure

Step 1: Complete the application

Online Application



Step 2: Purchase your stole 

Cultural stoles will be available for purchase in the A-Store (FO 159).

If you wish to make a customized Asian heritage stole, you may do so through PrideSash.
